Tuesday at Urbana

Well recruiting is tough! And yesterday we hit a wall, but as we hit the wall the Lord hooked us up with some encouragement. A bubbly young lady stopped by the booth and told us her story. She went to Newark Christian School, a World Impact School, and is now at Stanford where she is involved with InterVarsity and trying to figure out how missions fits into her future. She credits Newark World Impact with grounding her in faith and speaking truth into her life. WOW! God is good.

Urbana 2009

I'm in St. Louis and headed to Urbana this afternoon. I am here with several of my co-laborers, it is awesome being with other brothers and sisters who have responded to God's call. Please pray that those who the Lord is calling answer in the affirmative as we recruit college students to come alongside World Impact.

Christmas at Harmony Heart

I love heading up to the Pocconos and visiting my dear co-laborers at Harmony Heart Camp (HHC). Annually the staff at HHC host our church families for a weekend in December to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We hike up the hill and cut down a couple of Christmas trees, decorate cookies, make gingerbread houses, sing carols and hear the story of Jesus' birth.

Sunday morning I sat with Mirra, a three year old I love. She sat on my lap and after the communal singing fell fast asleep, it was adorable. This tiny bundle of joy sleeping in my arms, for one moment I could relate with Mary, a warm body, beautiful baby sleeping peacefully in my lap. I also felt I could relate to every mother in the room, when suddenly I heard a strange sound, it sounded like water, my lap was wet, I got peed on! And this is why we need Jesus, when we settle into complacency He reminds us of our need for a Savior. We are not perfect, the child my arm is flawed and I have to unpack my bag and change my clothes.... Much love!

Amy's Mom

One year ago, my best friend's mom was rushed to the hospital, no knew if she was going to make it, well thanks be to God who is constantly amazing His children. Sandy is doing awesome, read here about what God has done...

Moody Radio

I was on Moody radio, check it out!


So, currently I am at Moody Bible Institute's Missions Conference. I remember being a student, sitting the same room I am in now, watching missionaries set up, thinking, wow, these the people who respond to God's call. Yesterday I was helping set up my table, and I realized, I'm one of the missionaries, I am using my education, I am so excited to be here, at Moody, alum and missionary. God has a sense of humor. I love him


Last night two of my church families got evicted. The families were living together because, well, one of the two had nowhere to go, and our family takes care of each other. Two of my teens lived in the house, when I pulled up, there were four cop cars and crying family members, Jen* and I stood in middle of the road, she was sobbing, and I was holding her, my shoulder now soaked in tears. I stayed with the family at Grandma's and hung out until we got news as to what was happening, Jen was quiet. I took her to grab dinner, we went to Applebee's. We talked about life, the events of the day, school, and finally Jesus. For awhile now God has been prompting me to spend more time with her, and I have wanted to, but I get busy, tonight was the night. She had so many questions about Jesus, about her friends, about salvation, please pray for her. God wants her in His Kingdom, and I want her as a sister.

Sing-a-long and school supplies

We sang, decorated folders, played movie title charades, had root beer floats and a packed house. In total we had 29 teens and 8 grown-ups! The house was busting at the seams and we all had a great time. Thanks to everyone who made this possible; Germantown Hope, West Highland Baptist, Highland House, and World Impact Chester. We can not wait for our next mixed event!

Back to School High School Musical sing-a-long

So this coming friday night we are having a sing-a-long with Germantown Hope, a church plant in Germantown Philadelphia. We are really excited, yesterday Jasmine, one of my co-leaders, Vera, one of my student leaders and I packed bags full of back to school supplies for the party. Not only will there be hanging out, laughing, and singing, every teen will leave with notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, and so much more! A GIANT thank you to West Highland Baptist Church of Highland, MI, for the supplies and the hand colored stamp in every notebook.

Peaches and Greens- Detroit

So, many of you know that some day I would love to be doing ministry in Detroit, but for right now I am where God wants me. My boss sent me this news clip and it is rocking. The woman featured is Lisa Johanon, she is a friend of World Impact and her husband is the Site Coordinator for The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) Detroit. She has a community garden, a fresh grocery store and a produce on wheels truck. She is now one of my heroes. My goal is to meet her when I am in Detroit in October.

update on violence

the young man shot, died last night, he was 23. Please pray for non-violent solutions. This young man was caught in cross fire, pray that guns are not answers and that the Prince of Peace will be preside in the hearts of the angry and volatile.
On Monday night there was a ton of commotion at 10th and Booth, in Chester. I used to live on this corner and a hand full of my co-laborers still do, please pray and check out the Delco Times article.

A Wheel

So, many of you know that I am a potter, call it a hobby, or an art, I am at peace. I love clay! Well, on of my dear friends called and informed me that I could have a kick wheel that was left in the building they just moved into!!! I am so excited, pictures to come...

here are a few beautiful shots in the garden this wee with our dear neighbor Leigh...

here are a few beautiful shots in the garden this wee with our dear neighbor Leigh...
So, family fun magazine had a really simple, yet AWESOME idea, they are called foamerators. The kids at the garden party were obsessed with them. All you need to do is cut off the bottom of a soda bottle (20 oz) and place a piece of cloth (old washcloth) secured with a rubber-band on the bottom, fill a pan (or any shallow dish) with water and soap, dip the bottom and blow from where you would drink, the suds are great. Here I am in the suds war that broke out in the yard at the garden party. 

Vicki, one of my co-laborers, took this pic, and I love it! This is Jabreel, hanging out at our last garden party. He told me he wanted to relax...

teen camp 2009

Chester and Newark teens after Geocaching at camp

a thunder storm, a break in and 911

Two weeks ago we had some terrible weather, buckets of rain, intense winds, earth shaking thunder and overall gray sky.  It was a Sunday morning and I was preparing to go to church, I had been reading and was set on a cup of tea with breakfast. While the kettle was boiling I heard a crash that was not from above, it was glass breaking. I opened the door and there he was, a teenage boy in blue and white stripes grabbing a red bag out of the car at 10:30 in the morning. He was soaking wet and on the run, he saw me, he looked me in the eye, and took off, fast. I called 911 and gave them all the information I could and within minutes there were four cop cars and an interrupted outdoor church service. 

The kid was never caught, and I am continually thanking God that I did not know this youth. I would hate to turn in a kid I know, but, it would be the right thing to do...

August 2009: lies and delete

 Dear Family, 


These letters usually come very easily.  However, today that is not the case.  I have erased several paragraphs, and here I go writing another that may never see ink on paper.  The screen is so safe.  A place for thoughts to appear and then, one button later, disappear.  If only that could happen with spoken words.  How many conversations would we delete?  How often would we highlight our words and frantically seek the key that changes everything--canceling the moment of hurt, altering lies, leaving out anger, and eradicating broken promises, with one tap of the pinky finger?  I would use that key stroke quite often.   


One of my teens recently recounted a story to me about someone in her life who was telling people a lie.  The person spreading the rumor was her mother.  How do I, the missionary, explain to a crushed 13-year-old that her mother really loves her and would change her words if she could?  How do I say it so that she will believe it?  How do I say it so that I might believe it?  Given the chance, I do not know if her mom would rescind the awful things she said, but I do know her mom loves her.  Her mother’s love does not look like the love I was given as a child; it is rough and coarse, but it is love. 


There is a brother and sister in youth group who show an outstanding amount of love for each other, but as with all sibling relationships, they enjoy squabbling.  They look for moments to offer up offense when they know others will be listening.  They verbally spar until one breaks down and stops interacting, but 20 minutes later they are working together to turn the compost.  They love each other, but I know there are times when they would appreciate the opportunity to hit delete on a hurt they caused.    


I am often searching for the delete key on my personal keyboard.  Fairly regularly I am seeking out someone I must apologize to for words spoken in haste.  I would like to think after I have had a conversation, this is a problem and leads to a bunch of “I’m sorry.”  I have learned to think more and not get swept up in the spirit of conversation, and yet I find myself in constant reach of a key that does not exist.   


Daily I praise God for “blotting out my sins” (Acts 3:19).  That is Jesus’ way of hitting delete on our sins.  Our God is awesome.  He can overlook all offenses, intentional, accidental, and otherwise.  Please pray that I may be as forgiving as the Father and as loving as the Son.  Also lift up all the teens and families who will be attending camp this month that they will all be challenged by God’s Word and show all His love. 


July 2009: year in review

Dear Family, 


It is July!  That means it is time for my “year in review.”  I love to write this letter; it commemorates three years on staff as well as a year of God’s goodness.  There have been hard times, but God is providing, and He will always be in control.  So...here are the serious, the quirky, and the amazing things that have happened this year (in no particular order). 


1.  In January I was able to join my family in Florida for a week in Orlando: riding the tea-cups, laughing at Goofy, and truly enjoying each other. 


2.  Janea, one of the fifth graders attending Highland House, accepted Jesus into her life at Harmony Heart during family camp in May. 


3.  My dear friend Alex came to visit in August!  She was able to see my life, and I was able to see how God has been growing her.  She was one of the first junior-highers I ever worked with, and now she is in college.  I am getting old! 


4.  The garden at Twelfth and Central has become a gigantic part of my life.  It started out as a whim in the backyard, and well, now it is a lifestyle.  Teenagers in the garden every weekend, harvest parties with our community, and dirt encrusted boots are some of my favorite things. 


5.  My family was able to travel to Chester in May to take part in my Religious Missionary Order (RMO) service.  I am now an official card-carrying member of the World Impact missionary community.  Prior to this I was considered a Missionary in Training (MIT). 


6.  I finally graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a degree in Urban Ministry.  My diploma is a thing of beauty, and my parents are relieved that I am now using my degree in post-college life.  


7.  My sister and her husband are expecting baby number two.  I will have a nephew sometime in October. 


8.  Highland House congregation members are growing in numbers and in their relationship with the Lord. Adults and teens are building relationships and encouraging one another. 


Please continue to pray for my roommate Rebecca and me, that God will use our home to extend His love to others.  Thank you for all that you do for me with your prayers, encouragement, love, and support! 


June 2009: Compost

Dear Family, 


I have fallen in love with gardening--all the aspects of it.  I love the way gardens beckon people to spontaneous community.  In my neighborhood, when one person is in their yard, everyone comes out.  While Rebecca, Raj, Julie, Adam, and I have been at work in the garden, we have had all sorts of people hop the fence to check out what is going on.  Through this we have been able to join in relationship with those with whom we seemingly have nothing in common.  As much fun as new friendships have been, the garden has also been a place where we can intentionally deepen the spiritual community of the teens. 


Many Saturdays the garden is filled with teenagers.  They come to get dirty, work, turn compost, and be together.  These teens are hard workers--no joke.  Often we compile a list of thing to be done, and they finish it!  They are invested.  The garden is theirs.  They collect compost at homework club, they argue over what is compostable, and they show up on work days.  The teens have taken ownership and have a sense of satisfaction in their work.   


Sometimes I wonder if this is similar to what God does with me.  I am the compost that He is continually adding to, that He is turning, that He is smelling; and He is waiting for the rich soil of good works and obedience to be cultivated.  I am the stinky pile in the corner of God’s garden.  He knows that I am worth the time and effort.  He has even taken ownership of my life, but He waits for the perfect timing to use the nutrient-rich soil.   


I desire my teens to be piles of compost in God’s garden.  I long for the day when they will be used by God to grow amazing things in Chester.  I see it happening--some of them are encouraging each other, a few of them are thinking about what can be done about injustice, and all of them are lending a hand in Highland House, our church plant.  The soil is being formed, and teens are being used of God. 

Please pray with me that God will continue to make soil in my life and in the lives of my teens.  Pray also for the garden grown-ups: Rebecca, Raj, Julie, Adam, and me.  Pray that we will be like Jesus.   

May 2009: CELEBRATION! turned Crew

Dear Family, 


Our youth group in Chester has been growing.  Every week, we have more teens.  We average 30 every Monday night.  Praise God!  These teens get to hang out, goof off, and hear about Jesus.  What could be bad about that?  Nothing!  But there is a thought in the back of my head that if these teens are not going to church, how will there be any lasting fruit?  My teammates and I went rounds with this question.  We would make announcements about Highland House (our church), and we would encourage the teens to come; in the end, very few did.  So we prayed, listened, and acted.  We prayed for guidance.  We listened for instruction, and we acted out what God told us to do.  We cancelled youth group.  We still hung out with the teens, we still did activities with them, but we channeled it all through Highland House.  


In the process of becoming “church centered" instead of "youth-group centered" we knew there would be the benefit of church growth.  There would also be casualties with the loss of teen involvement.  But the positives overwhelmed the negatives, and here we are, months into the decision.  Our teen attendance at church has doubled and is continuing to grow.  We watched the Holy Spirit softening the hearts of several teens.  As we watched this, we felt God leading us to spend intentional time with nine active and regularly-attending teens.  We call them, The Crew.   


The Crew is a group of guys and girls who are not all believers, but we see their hearts being softened through their actions, questions, and involvement in Highland House.  Some of them sing on the praise team, help fold chairs, show up for prayer meeting, come early for set up, and are learning the sound system.  So now, on every other Monday, we meet.  We hang out and talk about what leadership is all about, who Jesus is, and ultimately, how to love (I say “we” because I am learning this too).  


Would you please pray for The Crew: Lee Lee, Day Day, Vera, Irvin, Terrence, Teresa, Amanda, Malcolm, and Courtney?  These teens are awesome, and I am pumped to see what God has in store for them in the coming months.  Pray that those who do not know Jesus will find Him, that those who love Jesus will be strengthened, and those who sense a calling on their life will want nothing more than to honor God in all they do. 


April 2009: Camp and Sex

Dear Family, 


Every year World Impact Chester and World Impact Newark take teens on a winter retreat to Harmony Heart Camp.  This February was no different; a date was picked, a topic developed, a schedule made, and the journey began.  In Chester we gathered fourteen teenagers into two vans and headed up to the Poconos. It was a peaceful drive, but as we drove, I became nervous.  The theme for the weekend was LOVE and I was doing the teaching.  What if I screw up?  What if my teens don't listen?  These were the thoughts flowing through my mind.  I began to doubt what had been solidified months prior to our departure.  I prayed while driving, and we arrived safely at camp where we greeted our Newark family.   


The weekend went fast, and it was full of laughter, games, whispers, and everything that camp should be.  But there was something missing.  In every talk, I felt like I missed the mark.  I thought no one was listening, and my confidence was defeated.  Even while I was thinking these things, the teens were behaving, getting along and encouraging each other.  They were awesome!  When asked, they knew answers to questions about the previous teaching times.  They were listening, but I wondered if it was really sinking in. 


Fast forward one week:  As Wendy (not real name) gets in the van for church, she says, "Miss Candy, James (also not real name) is mad at me." 


"Why?" I ask, as I think to myself, “Oh the plight of teenage drama.” 


"I told him I wasn't going to have sex with him anymore."  


As these words spilled from her lips, I cried.  She heard truth at camp.  She heard that her worth is not wrapped in sexuality, but is encompassed by the love her Father has for her.  She did not learn this from me at camp; she learned it from Jasmine, a college-age leader in her church.  Jasmine led our girls’ small group at camp, and God used her in a clear and mighty way. 




This year at camp I learned that God uses every moment and all of His children.  My lessons on LOVE were not the point of Winter Teen Camp; Jasmine leading and loving was the point. 


March 2009: urban nomads

Dear Family, 


There are things in life that I have taken for granted, things that I thought were “normal.”  College shook me out of that, a little, for then I found out that many of my friends came from divorced families.  I also learned that some Christian parents wanted their children to have nothing to do with full-time ministry.  Upon moving to Chester there has been a new type of reality check.  I knew there would be many single-parent homes.  I knew there would be an intense breakdown of the family structure.  I also knew that the living environments I would be working in were extremely fluid.  The ever-changing household is what has surprised me the most; home is very complex with the members of the “family” differing daily.  This urban, nomadic life that my neighbors and friends are living has taught me to appreciate the stability and support of my family.  


As I type this, I am on a family vacation with my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law and niece; all of us are in Florida, making our first trek to Disney World.  My family structure does not change; mom does not have a rotating crew of boyfriends; dad is not in and out of jail; my sister is not coming and going as she pleases, leaving the baby to be taken care of by whoever; and my brother-in-law will never leave.  We are a stable family unit; I have taken that for granted.  I thought this is what a family looked like; I was wrong.  The nomadic nature of those I love in Chester has shown me that, along with the negative shift in environment, there are hidden treasures that, upon inspection, “look” just like my family. 


I love knowing that there will always be a place for me to crash when I visit my folks in Michigan and that I will always have a place to sleep.  Many in Chester have this option as well; if something happens, doors are open.  Friends take friends in; if evicted, there are open doors; if fired, there are empty couches.  In Chester “family” takes care of each other.  This is just like my family; when help is needed, we all pitch in.  


Although “family” looks different, and I have grown to love mine more, I am learning about how “family” functions.  Some things are universal, some are instinctual, some are learned, and some are forgotten.  Pray with me that as my urban nomads move, Christ will be the solid rock to whom they cling.  Pray that I continue to see the treasures hidden in my neighborhood.  Pray, also, for the garden; we are beginning to start seeds, and we are very excited!  And we hope that we are planting more than seeds. 


February 2009: Job in Chester

Dear Family, 


Over the last few months, the adults in Highland House have been working their way through the Book of Job.  Job is the devastating tale of a godly man whose life is used by Satan as a cosmic test of faithfulness and trust.  Satan strips Job of all his earthly possessions, cattle, spouse, children, health, home, and friends. Near the end of the book, hope is a hard thing to find, yet Job is sure that God is sovereign and refuses to lose faith. 



The Job saga has reared its head in Chester.  One of my teammates' families has been visited by pain in such a way that everyone around them is also deeply moved, including me.  I struggle with what to say as lies trump truth in this stage of Satan's game.  How do I encourage our Job?  Do I say, “Curse God” as Job’s friends did?  Or do I praise God in the pain?  How do I be the friend that the Job of the Bible did not have?  “Curse God” is not an option, and yet here we are, over our heads in sorrow, wanting to honor God as Job did.  We, the staff and church, desire God’s joy to be our strength. 


Miss Kim has been teaching me how to honor God in pain.  She comes out every Friday night to church.  She is a growing believer and core member of Highland House, and recently, she has been an inspiration and encouragement to me.  While all the chaos is erupting, Miss Kim has shown strength and determination; she is continually pointing me back to the Word and drawing parallels between this situation and Job’s.  She has taken on responsibilities, and in the middle of the pain, she has been unwavering, standing firm in Christ’s love and all-knowing ways.  She has been the friend Job never had while being the audible voice of God in the pain 


When the Job Bible study began, no one knew what God had in store for our church or our World Impact Chester staff, but as life unfolds, we are learning how to honor God in all situations; we are praising God for every glimmer of hope; we are praying that we will be the friends that Job needed, not the ones he had. Please pray along with us.  Pray that those inclined to lose faith will cling to God’s truth and be encouraged by those who refuse to let go. 

January 2009, Faith Like a Child

Dear Family, 


Throughout my life music has been a central force.  It has helped make bad days good and good days great. Music has breathed life into my being by reminding me of my position in the Kingdom of God.  Over the years there have been a few CDs that found their way into my player or onto my iPod.  Last week I found myself listening to one of those songs, Like a Child, on Jars of Clay's first album; the chorus to this song is: 


  They say that I can move the mountains 

  And send them crashing to the sea 

  They say that I can walk on water 

  If I would follow and believe 

  With faith like a child 


This past year I have been able to learn about faith from a dear friend--I think she is my hero, well, at least a  role model.  I see her laughing in the face of danger while singing joyfully to her King.  I believe she is a super hero; her true identity is hidden in the body of four-year-old Sugar Mama.  This beautiful child dances when she wants to, giggles with sheer joy, sings the words she knows at the top of her lungs, and I want to be just like her when I grow up.  Faith like a child looks like Sugar Mama; she does not know justification from sanctification--she just is.  


“Miss Candy, dance with me.” 


“Ok,” and we dance, spinning, laughing, smiling, and falling to the floor from the fun.  I love this kid.  Her relationship to the world is what I want with the Lord.  If there is music, she dances.  If God speaks, I act.  Faith is not that simple in my life.  I often like to wait it out, look at my options, wrestle with what I want; I rarely ever just act.  When God is writing the symphony and choreographing the dance, why do I hesitate and, at times, fail to join the movement?  Because sometimes I forget to be like Sugar Mama and have faith like a child. 


This new year pray that I have faith like a child and join the dance with no hesitations! 


December 2008: Our great war hero

Dear Family, 


This past fall I was with my teens at an evangelistic event, and as people all around me were rejoicing, I was weeping.  The God of the universe was blatantly denied by one of my girls.  She looked me dead in the eyes and said, “I don’t want to pray about it.”  My heart broke, and I began to understand the battle that I am a part of.  When Paul wrote to Ephesus, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm” (Ephesians 6:12), he was writing to me, for this moment.  It was a gentle, but intentional, reminder for me not to argue, not to be pushy, but to love this girl and pray against the strongholds Satan has in her life. 


Satan has plans for this young lady, plans to destroy her and keep her from being devoted to her Creator.  I have plans for this girl, I have hopes for her, and I want her to love and serve Jesus with all her heart.  She is not ready to make that decision.  As I was saddened by her choice, I was forced to realize that God’s plans for her are better than mine could ever be.  He loves her and has complete control over the situation. He longs for her to worship Him, and in the right time He will make it happen.  I need to wait on His timing, keep loving her, and praying for her.   


The “struggle” Paul writes about is a cosmic war whose casualties are outside my front door, walking around my neighborhood, attending youth group, and passing me daily.  The count is high, and the war has only just begun.  This war is for something more precious than oil, gold, or religion; it is for the souls of our teens.  My co-laborers and I are on the front lines, fighting the only way we know how--by calling upon those who love Jesus and by praying for them.  Pray for God’s love to overflow out of us, for wisdom in all situations, for the Holy Spirit to speak through us, for hearts to soften, and for strongholds to be broken.  Also, pray for strength, strength to walk with the wounded to the Great Physician, strength to pursue the enemy’s target, and strength to fight the good fight. 


As Christmas comes and goes, I ask that you lift us up, World Impact Chester, to the Lord in prayer.  The Baby we celebrate is our Great War Hero, the battle is His, and the fight is on. 


November 2008: Dee Dee finds Jesus

Dear Family, 


Some summer days are beyond perfect--the sun is shining, the clouds are invisible, the breeze comes in the warmest moment, and the neighborhood is buzzing with outdoor activity.  This particular perfect day was coupled with Bible Club in the park.  Bible Club is great; there is scripture memorization, silly songs (with motions), games, Bible stories, and funny skits.  Oh, and there are a ton of kids!  DeeDee has been one of our most consistent kids; she has also been one of our most disciplined kids, but that day something was different. 


DeeDee and I were lying on a blanket in the grassy area of the Highland Garden’s park.  She is ten, and today there was something different about this often-angry child.  Her eyes were not empty or hurting, and for the first time ever there seemed to be a peace about her.  It was hard for me to remember that this beautiful ten-year-old had been picked up by the police for fighting on multiple occasions and that she had also been sent home from Bible Clubs, although she always came back.  As we hung out on the blanket, she laughed and smiled and played with my hair, and finally I had to know what was different about her.  So I asked. 


“DeeDee, what is different about you?” 


“Miss Candy, I have Jesus in my heart.” 


I was overwhelmed with excitement, “When did this happen?  Who have you told?  Who were you with?”  My questions were coming quicker than a girl of ten could handle. 


Then she answered me, “Last night I was in bed, and I just knew I had to pray like they taught me to in the park; it was like Jesus was after me.” 


Those words give me goose bumps every time I think about them, “…it was like Jesus was after me.”   These words make me wonder if I still feel that way--do I know that He is pursuing me?  DeeDee knows He is and has become a little peacemaker in the neighborhood.  Instead of fighting, I often see her holding hands with a young one and helping them find their way home. 


Please pray for DeeDee and all the Bible Club kids in the neighborhood.  Pray that they feel Jesus seeking them and that they desire Him in their lives. 


October 2008: crazy neighbor

Dear Family, 


Many of the themes in the New Testament can be summed up in four words: Love Jesus; Love People.  With this in mind, I have been learning how to love.  One would think that love comes easily to a missionary, but some days it does not, especially when the person I am called to love is my weird neighbor. It seems as though it is easier for me to love someone whom I do not have to “work” on loving, and if we are honest, that is probably the truth for all of us.  But what I have been learning is that the more “work” I put into a relationship, the greater the yield.   


Rebecca and I have a neighbor, Denise, who is a bit strange.  Some days she stands outside our house and talks to herself.  Other days she yells, but most days she walks up and down the street until we come home, and then she hangs out in our yard and talks as the garden is being watered, sharing in the harvest, eating cherry tomatoes, and saying good night.  Rebecca and I have struggled with what loving Denise really looks like.  We ask each other the tough questions like: “How would Jesus love her?” “Is this safe?” “Do we love her more than we love ourselves?” and if the answer is no, “How do we show her that she is loved?”  These questions sound hard, but what I have found is that the answers are harder.  Jesus clearly teaches to love, Jesus demonstrates loving the unloved, and Jesus commands His followers to love--period.  Because of Jesus’ emphasis on love, I have had to learn and sometimes force myself to show Denise love.  Rebecca seems to be a natural at loving her. 


Recently, Rebecca started a Thursday night women’s Bible study, and due to the influx of women in and out of our home, Denise has been around more often.  God laid it on Rebecca’s heart to invite Denise, and she did, and Denise has come.  God is moving in her; she has yet to profess Him as Lord and Savior, but she is there hearing Truth.  Please pray that Denise begins a relationship with Jesus, that I continue to grow in love, and that Rebecca continues to love naturally. 


On a completely different note, a lovely man from a local church donated a car to our ministry that is in excellent condition!  Praise God that I now have a car because this man listened to God’s prompting.  Thank you for all your love and support!  

September 2008: school, Ms. Thomas and Ms. Mosley

Dear Family, 


School has begun in Chester!  The summer of leisure is over, the pool is closed, and the books are beginning to open.  At Chester High School there are several important factors that play into the start of the school year.  This year the principal, Dr. Eirington, is returning, which means that the incoming freshmen will have an experienced leader unlike the class of 2008, that went through six principals during their time at Chester High, or as they affectionately refer to it, “the High.”  The excitement over the State Championship in basketball and track is still coursing through the veins of the community making it hard to focus on academics.  And students going to school while the district is restructuring have a tough time knowing what is next. 


This past year I had the privilege of volunteering with the Parent Teacher Organization, PTO.  Once a week I would meet up with Miss Mosley and Miss Thomas at 6:45 in the morning, and we would greet students on their way in the doors.  The women I worked with no longer had children at the High.  God had laid it on their hearts to continue the work they had started more than five years ago, loving kids.  Every morning these two women, with full-time jobs, wake up and go to the high school in order to love teens with the love of Jesus.  They know the students, they hug the kids, they ask about attendance, and they care.  These women are my teachers; they show me what Christ looks like at the High, they allow me to see sacrifice, and they show me that commitment and love are essential to change.  Miss Mosley and Miss Thomas live their lives for others and do not get much glory, but they do get a ton of love. 


Over the course of this next school year, please remember to pray for Chester High School.  Pray that God will give Principal Eirington wisdom and endurance.  Ask that Miss Mosley and Miss Thomas will find rest in their busy schedules and that God will bless them for their consistency.  Intercede on behalf of the students, for safety and peace.  Also, pray for CELEBRATION!, as we reach out to the teens in Chester. 


August 2008: the garden

Dear Family,  


The garden is growing!  This past summer, my roommate Rebecca Barr, some friends, and I began to cultivate the land in our back yard creating a beautiful urban garden.  We also had the privilege of leading ten 6th to 12th graders in a summer learning experience.  We taught them and learned with them about worm composting, positive and negative human impact on the environment, the water cycle, habitats, loving our neighbors, and God’s intent for creation.  Working with urban youth in a garden is very exciting.  At first, they hate it and pretend not to enjoy it, but eventually they love it, getting their hands dirty in the soil, picking up red wigglers, and eating fresh spinach.  The opportunity to introduce teens to nature in my back yard has been glorious.  


Our first week, we focused on red wigglers.  They are worms that break down organic materials into amazing compost.  The teens were able to participate in several activities focusing around God’s intent for soil.  First, we opened a pound of worms, holding them, passing them around, and placing them safely in a container for future use.  Then we went down into the basement of our house and began the process of harvesting ready compost.  When the teens saw the worm castings in the worm bin, they were a bit grossed out.  Then Kanti, a worm-composting expert, explained that God made worms for this purpose; the teens were enthralled.  Soon after that we built an outdoor bin, or as we named it, the Worm Hostel.  We converted an old tool chest into a four-story habitat for our precious little worms.  Throughout the summer the teens collected organic matter to bring with them every week and feed to the worms.  These worms eat half their weight in a week, so the teens see almost immediate results!  


Being with teens when they get a glimpse of the Creator while working in His creation is amazing!  Please pray that the teens (and the grown ups) continue to see God in creation.  Also pray that the relationships that have been established in the neighborhood continue to grow in the cold winter months.  


July 2008: All of the above

Dear Family, 


This month I celebrate two years of service with World Impact, and to be honest, the longer I am here, the more I love my job and the more I learn about the people and the city with which God has surrounded me.  God is continually surprising me by showing up in the midst of chaos, creating beauty and order when there seems to be no hope.  When I am walking through a trial, God is most evident--clearly He knows my weakness and propensity to “be human” and tries to control the circumstances.  He shows up, and I learn to place the situation in His hands.  Recently I had the privilege of walking beside one of my teens in his trial and seeing him begin to surrender to God. 


Jim has been one of my most consistent teens.  He never misses Celebration!  If the doors are open, Jim is there.  So when he missed two weeks in a row, I started to ask around.  There were rumors of a new address, tales of juvenile detention, and much conjecture of “youthful” indiscretions.  When I finally tracked him down, I found out that all of the above were true.   His mom kicked him out; he spent two weeks in a juvenile detention center for a really stupid decision he made.  Jim and I talked about the incident.  As he spoke, I could see his heart hardened, and I could feel mine break.  This young man is a leader.  He has a lot going for him.  He is active in sports and is very enthusiastic about life, but he has followed his parents’ example and given up on himself.  


A few days after I tracked him down, Jim called me five times in one day, so I knew it was important.  Once I was able to talk to him, he told me that he had stolen money from his job.  His employer had turned the theft over to the state troopers, who were “investigating the event.”  Jim was scared.  I was in way over my head.  We decided that the best option was for Jim to voluntarily turn himself in.  I picked him up early from school and off we went to the see the state trooper.  Jim said about five words on our 30-minute drive to the police station.  Upon arrival, he was beyond nervous, as I was.  The officer was very kind, explained everything, answered questions, and was patient with Jim.  He also had some great news!  Because Jim came in on his own, he would not be immediately arrested.  Upon hearing this, Jim threw his arms in the air and praised God. 


Jim lives in a community that is not known for cooperating with the police.  Jim learned that doing the right thing has rewards.  He saw God honored by his choice to go against the culture.  Pray for Jim as the trial comes, and pray that he accepts God and sees Jesus in a new light. 

June 2008: Summer

Dear Family, 


SUMMER!  This is easily my favorite time of the year.  The sun, the warmth, the beach, and teens with no school--there is nothing better.  This summer is filled with events that need your prayer, trips that need safety, plans that need guiding, and teens who want fun. 


The summer vacation begins with taking a van full of teens to work at Harmony Heart Camp.  The opportunity to work at camp teaches teens about finances, responsibility, and work ethic.  This year Vera, Sabrina and Michael will be working for their second summer.  Please pray that God will challenge and grow them. 


Growth is something my roommate Rebecca Barr and I hope to see a lot of this summer as we, along with a handful of committed followers of Christ, begin a community garden in our backyard.  Our prayer is that God’s love will overflow from His followers working together into the neighborhood where we live.  This garden is also an opportunity to teach kids and teens about produce, compost, worm bins, and creation.  Please pray for our neighbors that their hearts will be softened, and pray that our hearts will also be softened.  


The teens from World Impact in Newark, New Jersey will be joining Chester teens for a two-day event that will have us traveling from Independence Hall to the stairs of the Philadelphia Art Museum (made famous by Rocky) and to the lovely shore by Atlantic City.  This will be the first of what we hope to be an annual event, uniting Newark and Chester teens.  Please pray for oneness and fun. 


Along with our regular Monday-night teen club meetings, this summer will find us at Harmony Heart Camp for a week in late August.  Time at camp is amazing and allows for experiences that often cannot be found in the city: canoeing, bonfires, night walks and, of course, S’mores.  Please pray that God brings male chaperones for camp, softens hard hearts, and allows the teens He desires to be there to be able to come. 


Thank you for your love and support.  I praise God for you daily and I covet your prayers. 


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