Tuesday at Urbana

Well recruiting is tough! And yesterday we hit a wall, but as we hit the wall the Lord hooked us up with some encouragement. A bubbly young lady stopped by the booth and told us her story. She went to Newark Christian School, a World Impact School, and is now at Stanford where she is involved with InterVarsity and trying to figure out how missions fits into her future. She credits Newark World Impact with grounding her in faith and speaking truth into her life. WOW! God is good.

Urbana 2009

I'm in St. Louis and headed to Urbana this afternoon. I am here with several of my co-laborers, it is awesome being with other brothers and sisters who have responded to God's call. Please pray that those who the Lord is calling answer in the affirmative as we recruit college students to come alongside World Impact.

Christmas at Harmony Heart

I love heading up to the Pocconos and visiting my dear co-laborers at Harmony Heart Camp (HHC). Annually the staff at HHC host our church families for a weekend in December to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We hike up the hill and cut down a couple of Christmas trees, decorate cookies, make gingerbread houses, sing carols and hear the story of Jesus' birth.

Sunday morning I sat with Mirra, a three year old I love. She sat on my lap and after the communal singing fell fast asleep, it was adorable. This tiny bundle of joy sleeping in my arms, for one moment I could relate with Mary, a warm body, beautiful baby sleeping peacefully in my lap. I also felt I could relate to every mother in the room, when suddenly I heard a strange sound, it sounded like water, my lap was wet, I got peed on! And this is why we need Jesus, when we settle into complacency He reminds us of our need for a Savior. We are not perfect, the child my arm is flawed and I have to unpack my bag and change my clothes.... Much love!

Amy's Mom

One year ago, my best friend's mom was rushed to the hospital, no knew if she was going to make it, well thanks be to God who is constantly amazing His children. Sandy is doing awesome, read here about what God has done...

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