
Mayor Butler must have some new PR people. A) this video is well done, and B) he made some good points! way to go.

God is a lavishly loving Dad

Last night I relented. I spoke the truth of the distance I feel from God. I said the words aloud- I have searched my heart, I have repented, I have confessed, and yet I have not felt Him in my life. As Mrs. Johnston prayed over me, my heart began to soften and His love began to overwhelm. I left church and headed to Target, in the car I listed all my reasons for God's lack of love. Here is how that conversation went...

"You have yet to bring me a spouse! I do not want to be single. If you loved me, I would be married."

He said, "Oh, beautiful Israel, do you really want a king? Am I not enough? Are the other kingdoms really that better off?"

I said, "Fine. Why do things never go the way I want them? You always shut down my will, I am doing things for You, and yet You never listen to my plans."

He is so honestly gentle, He rebukes His children in love, "Abraham, I have been faithful to you, I long for the nations to birthed through you and Sarah. How badly do you want My will your way?"

There had to another reason for Him to with hold His love, "I obey, and obey, and obey- while you leave and inflict pain and failure."

I said to much, He called me out, "You are not Hosea- You are his wife- the woman I chase down, rescue, restore, and love- every time, with out fail. You are my beloved- you can push Me away all you want- but I will search every bed for you."

When will I learn, His will, His way, His child. Last night I relented, I was outlandish in my assertion, He was loving in His truth. I was pushing Him away, He was drawing close. I was running, and He was prodigal (extravagantly wasteful) with His love.

2021 vision of Chester

For those of you who received my June 2011 prayer letter, here is the promised edited content... enjoy!

This past spring the Chester church plant team was given a challenge to be visionaries. We were asked to dream, and imagine where the city of Chester will be in ten years. In the fast pace of city life we were to ask ourselves; what will God have done here in 10 years? Well, the answers may surprise you, but the passion for them to be a reality will not. Here is a glimpse of Chester 2021.

April 8, 2021

The city has gone through an undeniable and unparalleled community transformation. Today marks the tenth anniversary of the horrific Minaret Temple shooting (a party where two teens were killed and 8 wounded), as youth and adults gather at the peace vigil, there is a joy in the air. There has not been a homicide in Chester for three years. This gathering marks ten years of change and progress. It began when three youth, who were in attendance at the party, invited their hurting friends to a Bible study. The Bible study began to ignite change on the streets, in the schools, and in the hearts of teens all over Chester.

Students at Chester High were showing up, attending class, breaking up fights and their teachers were noticing. Bible study at Miss Dolly's could not be contained, so others were started. Organic churches began to spring up in every neighborhood, as Chester High students and teachers needed more space to meet. The student's not only affected the faculty at the High, their parents wanted to know what was going on. Moms, dads, siblings, and other relatives have become regular fixtures in organic churches city wide. As faith in Christ has been affirmed and deepened the city began her change as well.

The men in the churches began to take back the corners, no more drug deals, they have become places of prayer and safety. Every morning as children walk to school there are men on the streets making sure everything is safe. These men saw kids who looked hungry on the way to school and called their wives, who now provide breakfast to kids and lunches to those who may need a little extra.

Over town, the down town section of Chester, has gone from run down and abandoned to an epicenter of the arts. Every night there are at least four family classes filled with people acting, painting, dancing, and reflecting the gifts of the Creator. Not only have the art classes brought families closer together, they have been training young men in the art of graffiti. If anything inappropriate is spray painted on a wall, these young men go and cover it in art, they attack the broken world with beauty. These young men have allowed a few girls in on the fun, but the young ladies really live to go along with the guys and plant sunflowers, mums, daisies, anything colorful. There are almost as many flowers in Chester as there are weekly Bible studies.

The elderly saw the change and started "history" classes on Saturdays. The 9th Street Community Center has been standing room only for five years now. Children, teens, and adults gather to hear about the civil rights movement, learn spirituals and are instructed on the ways of non-violent protest. These times of teaching have lead to intergenerational friendships and mentoring relationships. The friendships have evolved into multi-generational gardens across the city.

Overall the city is doing great. The graduation rate at Chester High has gone from the second worst in the state to second best in the state. Students who then go off to college, can not wait to come back to Chester as productive members of society. They are creating jobs, opening businesses, and several of them got together and bought the Philadelphia Union as a co-operative soccer team. Members of the community can buy in and share in the profits. Besides new jobs, there is no longer a need for a grocery store, there is one, but most of the produce is grown in the neighborhood and in the winter it is grown in the community green house.

There is so much more to to my vision of Chester's future, God has big things planned for this city, and I am glad I get to be a part of it. Please pray, as Jesus did, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Lent: Second week in

In our garden we have a Lenten Rose, it is the first plant to blossom, just before spring begins. Annually this plant gives me hope. It tells me that it is time to fast, it is time to walk in the footsteps of Christ, it is time to remember the gruesome death and the miraculous resurrection of our Savior. When Christ concurred death He did it to restore the relationship we broke in one bite. That bite brought all evil into the world. That bite made me a mere mortal who is need of patience. Patience-waiting-long suffering, I hate these virtues.

Last night I found my contempt for all things patience related. I was at Church singing, communal worship at it's finest. The worship team was on, the coffee was calming, the song selections were powerful, and they seemed to be centered around waiting. I was waiting for a song I felt like raising my hands to. I wanted to worship in this fashion, I longed to reach my hands to the sky and be heard by the Lord. But I did not want to praise Him while I wait. Let's sing, "let Your glory fall," "come, Spirit, come," "God in my waking," and "You are so good to to me." I desired to belt out bold statements about what God can do for ME. Yet, that was not what the songs were about, and I did not want to sing about waiting on God's timing or what I might need to do. Waiting is tough. Waiting seems wasteful. Waiting is not what the microwave has prepared me for. Waiting is when I often see that I need God the most. Waiting means I can not do it on my own. When I wait, it is usually because there is an outside force that must finish the job, like drying paint, seedlings breaking through the dirt, and my heart softening to God's will.

Oh how the Lenten rose reminds me of waiting, waiting for Salvation, waiting on God, waiting to celebrate the resurrection. As I wait I am learning to have joy and to worship even when I do not "feel" like it. Jesus beat death and defeated sin. That, I do not need to wait for.


Yesterday it all began, this season of fasting, death and life. It has always seemed a bit backwards, death and life, instead of life and death, and yet that is the beauty of Lent. Lent has long been one of my favorite seasons, not because it happens to be in the spring, but because it forces me to to more intentional with Jesus. This Lent I was challenged by Pastor Mark of Blue Route Vineyard to pray for something outlandish, extravagant even. So I am. Every single day the Church Plant team and I are praying for two things that seem impossible! The impossibility of it all is what heightens my interest. Only the God of all creation, of lavish surprise, of beauty in the chaos, can make man's "never gonna happen!" into the simplest task. As we fast and pray this season, join us in praying for the "never gonna happen!" Pray to the God who is bigger than our imaginations, that His Kingdom reign in this time of death and life. We are praying for four Simple Churches to begin by summer's end, and that one of our sister ministries gets the financing it needs to finish in the black. Praise be to the only God who can do this, the God whose resurrection we will soon celebrate!

Carolina Chocolate Drops!

Last night my roomies and I went to see the Carolina Chocolate Drops at the TLA in Philly. They were AMAZING! No lie, this show is now in the top five best live shows I've ever been to. They knocked out Pedro the Lion at the Metro in Chicago. If you have the chance see them! They were funny, great to dance to to, energetic, and down right fantastic.


tonight we leave for fun in the snow. the joy of going to Harmony Heart is overwhelming! the teens love it, I love it. please pray that the Lord grabs the hearts of my amazing teens. pray that they walk in His boldness and love.

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