St. Louis co-laborer

Hey, could all of you be praying for our St. Louis ministry? over the last two nights copper thieves have broken into their ministry center and stolen upwards of $200,000 dollars worth of stuff. Pray for Randy, Hannah, and baby Mona Riggs, Adrea and Andrew Medlian, and for the rest of the staff who are serving that community. Thanks

the oddest things

So recently I went to Moody to recruit, and then headed over to the home of Famous Dave's, Minnesota. I went there to visit my former college room mate and best friend, Amy Boal. She and her husband live and work in a thriving suburban community, which they are about to bring a beautiful baby into. I had so much fun hanging out, being free from all responsibilities, I could go to bed early and then sleep in. Every morning I would walk to the coffee shop and read. I never had to pick anyone up, or be at any meetings. It was a great vacation. One night while we were talking, Dan, Amy's husband, spoke of being in Highland Gardens, the neighborhood I am now invested in. He had grown up in PA and knew the area. We talked about the community at large, and then he told me a story of a man he met once. Dan told me his street name, and gave me a description, I asked a few questions, and we came to realize I also knew this man. Over the past several years God has been placing people in Doc's life who love the Lord, and now we are praying that he learns to lead and love the Lord the way Dan, Amy and I do. Crazy, please pray for Doc.

Chester placed under a state of emergency (With Video) - The Delaware County Daily Times : Serving Delaware County, PA(

Chester placed under a state of emergency (With Video) - The Delaware County Daily Times : Serving Delaware County, PA(

Check out the above link. Chester has been placed in a state of emergency due to the growing violence. Please pray that this time of lock down will give people the opportunity to turn their hearts from violence to righteousness. More police on the streets is not going to stop crime, only a changed heart can make a difference, please pray for my neighborhood, for Highland House, the missionary staff, Chester's Churches and the authorities.

Wheelbarrows, Windshield Wipers, and Turn Signals

OK, so first it was a wheelbarrow, which thanks to awesome neighbors, was returned. Then the windshield wipers from my car were gone, so I learned a new skill, I now know how to replace those. And yesterday morning I awoke, got ready, went out to my car, and someone had jacked my turn signal, the whole light! "ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS!" was all I could think. A turn signal! If your car needs one, go buy it, like I had to, and there was nothing wrong with mine, I didn't need a new one.

The turn signal incident followed a great evening. Vera, my "sister," had coordinated an amazing night of worship and unity for Chester Churches, Gospel Explosion!. The night was filled with dancing, singing, and fellowship. Satan really loves messing with the children of God. Please pray for continued unity of the Body of Christ in Chester, and that I respond to this theft with the love of Christ. I'm not going to front, it has been tough.

my girls

This last week I had the privilege of hanging out with five awesome girls who had spring break. We gardened, ice skated, hung out, went on a picnic, and talked about Jesus. Hydia and Hynessa have a relationship with Jesus and want to be baptized, they explained the Gospel message to their friends, and blessed my heart. Please pray for these girls, that God will continue to work in and through them.
Oh and so far this season we have started three gardens for friends and neighbors, there are at least two more to be done.

Another Day, Another Garden

Yesterday was a girl's day, my mom and I had the whole day to do whatever we wanted, we hit up a couple of yard sale, we went to the Friends of the Cromaine Library Book Sale, we grabbed lunch at El Patio, and then we drove into Milford for a visit to the Benson Street Co-op and CSA. It was awesome! Leah, Bob and Doug run stuff, and they have a great operation going. Leah is an instructor at Milford Music and she believes strongly in organic, sustainable and local produce. It was such fun hearing about how they do things. Benson Street, began as a CSA, but the neighbors began to catch the vision and donate stuff, like land and water pumps and time and a tractor, so it became a co-op. This is the kind of thing that happens when communities get together and share in the bounty of creation. It was inspirational to be on the land. I can not wait until I come back to Milford for my 10 year high school reunion, and see their harvest! Way to go Benson Street!

Central Detroit Christian

This morning I had the privilege of hanging out with my dad. So, I convinced him to go on an adventure, I love being on vacation. We hopped in the car and headed down to Detroit, more specifically, Central Detroit Christian (CDC) which is a Christian Community Development organization doing some amazing stuff in Detroit. I was so impressed. Mark VanAndel, the leadership and development coordinator, took us on a walking tour of the area, which included a stop at Peaches and Greens, the community grocer. He was a great guide and I left really amped about what the Lord is doing in Detroit. The CDC has community gardens, TUMI, tutoring, a new family restaurant called Cafe Sonshine, and several housing projects on its plate. Please pray for them, God is using them!
On the way home we drove by Hitsville USA, I had never been there before, it was fun. I really loved getting to hang out with my dad in Detroit. I also really love Detroit....

the Resurrection, Wheelbarrow thiefs, and Community Policing

Resurrection Sunday was a gorgeous day, not only was it sunny and warm, perfect for sun dresses and strolls in the park, it was full of newness. Life was sprouting in the garden, hope was taking root in Highland House members, and Christ had indeed defeated death. As I observed the garden, everything was in order, the compost brewing, the new fill pilled, the seeds germinating, and the wheelbarrows tucked away. Our little plot of land was ready for the spring break gardeners the following morning.

Monday morning came with sunshine and beauty. I did pick ups, four amazing teen girls, one young man, and Julie. We began to work, turning compost, seeding, moving fill, and wondering where our other wheelbarrow went. Who would steal a wheelbarrow? If they would have asked, they could have borrowed it, and we probably would have offered them some tomato plants. So, we put the word out on the street, if you know anything, let us know.

One of our neighbors, a real nice guy, just this last winter he helped us dig our cars out, was driving by, I let him know and he was upset. He thought he knew who it might be and told us he'd take care of it. We believed him. But thought that we we're out a wheelbarrow, worse things had happened, and this was not the end of civilization. We continued to work, while he tracked down what was ours.

Two nights ago there was a knock on the door. It was late, but I answered, and it was our neighbor, "I found your wheelbarrow, it will be back tomorrow, if it's not, let me know." He went on the talk about how our neighborhood is different, we do not take things from others, and we depend on each other.

Our wheelbarrow has yet to find its way home, but the accused did stop by and say he needed it a bit longer, but it would be back soon. He said we we not home, so he just took it. We know who has it, and where it is. Our neighbors love us and got our back.

Please pray for our neighbors, that as there is a shift in the age and race that the doors are open and welcoming. We were once the outsiders and now we are not, pray that we allow others in.

Blitzen Trapper

Check out this band, their Album comes out on June 8th, Heaven and Earth is the first single from Destroyer of the Void. I love these guys

Blitzen Trapper’s “Heaven and Earth” From Destroyer of the Void

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Fridays in Ascent

Last Friday night the teens and I began a pilgrimage. A journey that has been taken for thousands of years. We are learning to walk up the the mountain to to the Holy city, just as the Israelites have for generations. We are learning to sing the Psalms of Ascent, and seeking God's promises and comfort in the mists of struggle and weariness. I am so excited for my teens, the Psalms of Ascent expose us and allow us share in a common spirituality. Please pray for us on this journey. Psalm 120-134 are beautiful and show that God accepts any emotion we give Him, and will transform it into the emotion He wants.

Gymnastics, Candace Camron, and teenagers

Ok, so I do not want to use this blog as a commercial for TV shows, but I gotta say, Make It or Break It, on ABC Family (although I watch it on HuLu), is my favorite show for teenagers. This show allows adults to give give wise council, teens to find the error in their ways, and Candace Cameron (yes, that is DJ from Full House) to point to Christ, often with out being in your face. It also speaks to the struggle to stay sexual pure as a teen, as a single adult and within the confines of marriage, this show is top notch! If you like the world of gymnastics and teen dramas, but are sick of the unrealistic lives of Blair and Serena, this is your show.


Hey all-
Tomorrow morning I will be speaking at Delaware County Christian School in the Middle School Chapel on the theme of Materialism. In the talk I will be using Colossians 2:8 and Matthew 6:19-24 to express God's thoughts on storing stuff up on earth. I will also be giving the middle schoolers 5 challenges:
1. STOP watching the CW and MTV (any shows that encourage materialist culture)
2. Go on a buying fast (just stop)
3. Set price limits and stick to them! "I will only spend $X on (fill in the blank)"
4. Give to the Church/Missions what you would regularly spend on "stuff"
5. Fill the time with something productive. Instead of shopping, going to the mall, watching those shows, learn something new; how to sew, a spiritual discipline, about your mom.

Please pray that the students take this seriously.


Hey all I just got this e-mail from Bob, my director, just wanted to share the request.

Dear Friends,
A reminder to keep our staff in prayer for protection. This afternoon, a few hours ago two of our houses (Stevenson's and Lee's) were in the cross fire of a barrage of gun fire from across the street. Although not the intended target, a casualty of the shooting with each house being hit in front.
In addition Karen Lee's car was hit (flat tire and body). This is the second shooting in mid-afternoon recently, without concern for children or others out and about.
We praise God that he protected our families as Linda and Michael were in our house and Karen and her mother-in-law in theirs.
Pray for peace to replace anxiousness, love to overcome evil.
- Bob

Winter Teen Camp 2010

Tomorrow I get to take 15 teens to camp. We will be at Harmony Heart and I would love it if all of you could be praying for the Lord to guide me, as I speak, them as they listen, and us as we dig into the truths of Scripture. We will be looking into our worth. 1st we'll look at Gideon who thought he was worthless, due to his heritage and fears and yet was used by God. 2nd we'll look at David who thought he had more worth than others, causing him to be an oppressor, and yet he was still used by God. And 3rd we are going to look at 1st Peter 2:9-10 where we are told who Christ has called us out to be. Pray we learn to walk in who He has called us to be, not who we think we should be. Thanks!

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