Moody Radio

I was on Moody radio, check it out!


So, currently I am at Moody Bible Institute's Missions Conference. I remember being a student, sitting the same room I am in now, watching missionaries set up, thinking, wow, these the people who respond to God's call. Yesterday I was helping set up my table, and I realized, I'm one of the missionaries, I am using my education, I am so excited to be here, at Moody, alum and missionary. God has a sense of humor. I love him


Last night two of my church families got evicted. The families were living together because, well, one of the two had nowhere to go, and our family takes care of each other. Two of my teens lived in the house, when I pulled up, there were four cop cars and crying family members, Jen* and I stood in middle of the road, she was sobbing, and I was holding her, my shoulder now soaked in tears. I stayed with the family at Grandma's and hung out until we got news as to what was happening, Jen was quiet. I took her to grab dinner, we went to Applebee's. We talked about life, the events of the day, school, and finally Jesus. For awhile now God has been prompting me to spend more time with her, and I have wanted to, but I get busy, tonight was the night. She had so many questions about Jesus, about her friends, about salvation, please pray for her. God wants her in His Kingdom, and I want her as a sister.

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